King Jesus, you are real provision from God. You are the food that completely satisfies us. Increase our belief in you today.
King Jesus, you came into the world for judgment, to correct our ‘seeing’. Here in the year of 2020, bring our vision into alignment with heaven.
You are the One Shepherd who chose to lay down your life and then receive it back again. You are not a victim, You are the King of all. May your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
King Jesus, you are the resurrection and the life. Give us courage to open our eyes to your faith deposited in us. Help us face this ordinary day in your power and authority.
Thank you that the helper, the spirit of truth is with us. Thank you that you see us. You have seen us, you see us now, and you will see us tomorrow. Our hearts celebrate, and NOBODY will take our joy away from us.
Jesus, we have peace because we are One with you and you have defeated everything that intimidates us. Wake us up to reality… the life of God’s coming age is wrapped up in knowing you.
Your kingdom is completely different than worldly powers. As your kingdom comes on earth as it is in heaven, powers of darkness are revealed as chaotic, self-serving, and murderous. Cause your perfect love to drive out all of our fears today.