It was a little less than a year ago that I laid down my responsibilities as part of the pastoral team of our local church so that I could make myself more available to help with the development of Eastgate House Of Prayer here in the Saint John region. I am very grateful for the friendship and encouragement of Kings Valley Wesleyan Church in this process. I and my family love being part of this wonderful community of Jesus followers.
God has been so faithful in leading me along in this new chapter of my journey in following Him! Leading worship at EHOP (Eastgate House of Prayer) and working with it’s Director Kirk Smith and the rest of the leadership team has been such a huge blessing to me! In the process of serving with EHOP, the Lord has opened a new door of ministry for me.
I am thrilled to say that I am joining the EHOP Mission Base as a worship leader and Intercessory Missionary. This means that I will be serving on a full-time basis as we minister to the Lord in “Day and Night” worship & prayer. Inspired by His word and His passionate heart, we will be asking Him for a great harvest of people into His kingdom, for unity in His Church and for the preparing of His Bride for Jesus’ return.
We are part of a growing number of Houses of Prayer rising up in many cities around the world. For more details on the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, visit
EHOP invites participation by any individual or church that worships Jesus according to the Scripture, regardless of denomination, for the sake of bringing unity to the Body of Christ and for revival in the Saint John region, across Canada and throughout the nations.
I am especially excited about my assignment in leading worship and mentoring other musicians and singers serving with EHOP.
In my assignment as an “Intercessory Missionary” I will be committing myself to 30-40 hours per week in helping to lead Intercessory worship meetings, training other intercessors and serving in the administrative infrastructure. I will be continuing in the development of an active and rigorous prayer life including regular times of fasting and prayer as well as ministry through my local church to the local community.
As an Intercessory Missionary with EHOP I am responsible to build a team of supporters both in prayer and raising my personal financial support. I am trusting in the Lord that He is leading many to invest in my calling to mentor intercessory musicians and worship leaders who will minister to the Lord night and day for the sake of a great move of God in our time on the earth. An avenue for providing financial support has been created in order for me to pursue this calling. I would love to make myself available on a full time basis as soon as possible. I am asking the Lord to lead individuals and local churches to invest in the kingdom of God through supporting this mission.
I am in need of monthly supporters and/or one time financial gifts in order to be free enough financially to give myself fully to this ongoing ministry to the Lord in worship, prayer and service to the harvest. An income tax receipt will be issued for all financial gifts to EHOP.
If you feel prompted to connect with me about this, please reach out to me. My contact details:
(506) 639-8961
403 Hampton Road, Quispamsis, NB, Canada, E2E4V5
Cheques please make payable to Eastgate House of Prayer.
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