
I was moved pretty deeply by John’s article posted on his blogsite .  The article is called “To whom can we go?” Click here to read his article.  As storms are battering our world and it’s systems, the Lord is raising up people, young and old who listen to his teachings and Do what He says. I pray that I will be one of them! I pray that you will be there too!! Let’s be alone… together in Him!


Reality for a Kingdom Laborer Part 2

I heard someone say a few days ago that God is shaking all of the systems in our world! I believe it!

Jesus said that storms are gonna come! But, if we will listen to his words and DO what He says our house will stand. Our hearts are being called to be “Passion-Driven”. I shared my heart on this video blog… Check it out (Reality for a Kingdom Laborer Part 2).

Kingdom Laborers love God so much they will obey Him, sacrifice for Him, suffer because of Him all for the ultimate purpose of glorifying His Name. Someone who is passion-driven will pursue love even into and through suffering, just like Jesus did.

Did you forget about your defining moment?

I was blown away today as I listened to this video teaching from Newsong Church. Dave Gibbons is the pastor. He is the author of “The Monkey and the Fish”. The guest speaker is a man named Charles Jenkins. But, Dave’s comments at the end are equally as powerful and “on fire” as the blazing message from Charles.  Please, Please listen… Click here… Defining Moments. I pray that you will be challenged and encouraged.


Reality for a Kingdom Laborer part 1 has posted six realities of a kingdom laborer that I love. I make it a habit to ask God to work these realities into my life and the lives of my friends. So, I decided to post some action steps you can take to grow as a Jesus follower. Hope you catch on fire!!!  Click here to watch my video post Kingdom Laborer Reality #1

A kingdom laborer is:

1. Kingdom-Living
Kingdom Laborers seek to glorify God by doing things His Way. The most important way to live out the Kingdom of God is to Love God and Love Others. Everything else flows from these two engagements (Matthew 22:40).

“Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[c] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[d] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matt 22:37-40

Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did.” I John 2:6

I have made you[a] known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.” John 17:26

Prayer: “Father, please do a work of the Holy Spirit in my heart so that I will love Jesus with

the same love you have for Him. – Amen”

Guest posting from John Lamos “NYC Love”

John has been in NYC on a mission with a group of students from the Bible College he attends. God has been capturing his heart in the past few years. So grateful for the vision that has been growing and invading John’s life! Click here to read his NYC Love post 

Something is missing…

I’ve had enough! Have you? I am getting so desperate to see people young and old activated and on fire to live out their personalized God designed world changing mission.

Knowing that every Jesus follower is called to be a “living stone” in God’s spiritual house and that living stones aren’t factory made, brings me to another issue.  They aren’t produced in mass either. There is no bulk store where you can buy mature Jesus’ followers. As I was driving to meet with a buddy of mine today I recorded a few thoughts on this. Click here to watch the quick video.

What are your thoughts about this? Are you seeing signs that people are waking up to the reality that they are God’s plan? Friends who are waking up to a life of ministry in the middle of their everyday life?

I’l love to hear about it 🙂

Living Stones Aren’t Factory Made!

One of the powerful images in the Bible that God uses to help us understand His plan for restoring everything is a picture of a house that He himself is building. He wants to use us as partners in this project. Click here to here what is on my heart about us as living stones… Living Stones Aren’t Factory Made

Is living your calling worth it?


Is Your Calling Worth it?

God was blowing my mind today with such expansive thoughts about all of us who claim  to be Christians. I saw us living lives “worthy of the calling we have received” in the words of the Apostle Paul in Eph. 4:1. Click here to watch my video posting,

Is Your Calling Worth It?