What do you believe happens when God looks at East Saint John? What does He see? KV East Saint John is a church community bringing glory to God and making disciples of Jesus. We know that we can’t do either of those things without God being with us through the Holy Spirit. In all of our relationships, strategic planning, teaching, initiatives, all of it, we know it is about His vision not ours.
God has called us into being as a church community. I am in awe of the way The Father has blessed us in our first year of existence! But it’s not just for us to enjoy. He has called us to partner with Him in blessing the Saint John region for the glory of Jesus Christ. There is no doubt in my mind that God’s burning passion is for us to make Jesus Name bigger than anything else in the life of our city. What does that mean for us? Here is the link to my message from Vision Sunday : click on this title to listen to:
“Letting God’s Vision Shape KV East“ .
In this teaching time, I share what I believe God wants to do through us.
As we grow as a family partnering with God in East Saint John our hearts will burn to see:
directionless families & individuals become followers of Jesus
people running free from darkness into the light of God’s kingdom family
a growing church family receiving and living a fresh expression of God’s kingdom here where we live
Stoked for the future! Visit kingsvalley.ca/east to discover more about us.