Dealing with the thief

Intimidation causes me to tolerate the thief.

The thief is the spirit behind all that is evil.

Letting others steal from me is not love.

Jesus says, “The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

I will not tolerate the thief in myself or my world because Christ lives in me.

I will stay in life-union with Jesus and let his words produce generosity in me.

My KV Church Video Pick of the Week

Provoking/Empowering teaching from Executive Pastor Del Heiney It is the first session in the #Parables series from KV Church.

Stoked about how helpful this sermon has been to our church family. I know you will love it and I believe you will be activated in some new ways today!

My KV Church Video Pick of the Week

Love this teaching by Pastor Brent Ingersoll It is the first session in the #Parables series from KV Church.

Stoked about how helpful this sermon has been to our church family. I know you will love it and I believe you will be activated in some new ways today!

Spoiler ALERT!

Pastor Brent brings a crazy twist near the end of the message when he talks about the way your fear of punishment can cause you to bury your awesome God given talent.

Listen for these other great take aways… 

“You are only accountable for what YOU’VE been entrusted with.”

“Comparison robs your joy.”

“Love people so radically that it disarms offence.”

Live THIS day!

Life Hacks for Becoming “authentically” YOU

Recently I was talking with a friend of mine. She was having a rough time and needed to talk.  “I just feel distant from God”, she said. It was a just a quick comment made in the middle of sharing her heart over some confusing dilemmas in her life. When a friend tells you they feel distant from God, it hits a nerve, doesn’t it? You likely know that feeling! Our mind sometimes is our worst enemy.

The Accuser (Satan) loves to intimidate us with doubt-filled questions about our connection with God.

He tried to do the same to Jesus when he said, “If you are the Son of God, then…”. We all need friends to listen when those clouds start to roll in. Much of our emotional health comes from being close to our Creator, our Father in heaven.

It seemed to me that my friend was quickly losing her peace. Something had shifted in her perspective. I wanted to help her get back to feeling confident to face her day. I said, “Maybe you aren’t distant from God. I know you and that your faith is strong that He is with you and He has promised to never leave. I think you feel distant from yourself. It’s like you aren’t really sure how to understand this moment and how to move forward as the real you.”

In a beautiful way, from that point on in our conversation it was like the sun broke in. Warmth and clarity seemed to move in on her and she left with a smile. Later she thanked me for the reminder and was feeling so much more hopeful and positive about where she was going in her life.

How are YOU feeling about today?

There is hope for this moment right now. In fact Jesus was very clear that today… THIS day demands your focus. “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matt 6:34

You don’t need to go on feeling distant from God. But, you may need to learn to see your life from a different perspective. One of my favourite motivational quotes by the Apostle Paul is “I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.” As a Jesus follower you have received a calling and it starts with truly being yourself as God’s son or daughter.

There is a devastating lie in our culture that says you can’t truly be yourself and follow Jesus. Those who believe that deception have confused being religious for the freedom of being a child of God by faith in His Son. The reality is you will never discover more about yourself than when you embrace life in God’s family.

John Mark Comer writes in his book “Loveology” that as a Christian you live “in the process of becoming who you really are.” In other words with every step forward you take the Holy Spirit is helping you grow into the real you.

Don’t kid yourself however. Even though it is truly amazing to discover the true you that God designed some days it will still demand all you have. But it is GOOD.

I love this section from “The Message” by Eugene Peterson talking about Jesus. Peterson refers to him as “The Life-Light”:

The Life-Light was the real thing:
    Every person entering Life
    he brings into Light.
He was in the world,
    the world was there through him,
    and yet the world didn’t even notice.
He came to his own people,
    but they didn’t want him.
But whoever did want him,
    who believed he was who he claimed
    and would do what he said,
He made to be their true selves,
    their child-of-God selves.
These are the God-begotten,
    not blood-begotten,
    not flesh-begotten,
    not sex-begotten. John 1:9-13 

What a powerful way to describe what it means to know and love Jesus. You get to be your true self, your “child-of-God” self.

Here are some powerful life hacks for becoming the real you:

Becoming the real YOU:

1. Receive your adoption into God’s family

When you aren’t sure of who you really are you will often feel stuck. One of the most important things for you to know is that God has not and will not abandon you. The Bible is clear that God’s message to you is that He is offering to adopt you into his family. You receive that offer by praying a simple prayer. You can pray something like this right now; “God I believe Jesus did everything that was needed for me to become your child forever. By faith I receive my place in your family. I don’t take credit for this myself. Jesus deserves all the credit for my adoption today. Thank you for saving me.” – Amen.

2. Engage with God’s mission for the world

When the Bible talks about God “saving” us it includes rescuing us from a meaningless life of serving ourselves and our desires. Following Jesus is the craziest adventure around. Since you are already wired to do good things and make a difference in the world, it makes sense that the Apostle Paul would write the following in “Ephesians”: For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. 10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:8-10

Remind yourself often that the good things you do for others to show them Jesus’s love aren’t about you gaining a place in God’s family. You do good works to restore things back to what they should be as part of God’s plan for all creation. In other words, you aren’t trying to prove that you are worth something. Instead you are showing how awesome it is to be at peace with God and to be partnering with him and his good plan.

3. Welcome the chance to stretch and grow 

In his book, “Failing Forward” John Maxwell wrote, “Fail early, fail often, but always fail forward.”

God’s goal for you is to become more of who you really are. Don’t be intimidated by the challenges of this day.

Don’t be ashamed of failing. Mark down what you learn and be grateful that you have eliminated one more way not to do it next time.

Whether you succeed or fail in this day, God is forming you into the real you!

Live THIS day!


Tapping in to Unstoppable Life! Want to help??

What an amazing morning of Baptisms!!

It was my high honour to baptize four of our KV East church community last Sunday! As part of the growing church community called Kings Valley Church we are located in Eastside Saint John.

In light of Sunday people have been asking how they can get involved so 

I decided to repost this article from a few weeks ago!!

We are all about “making disciples”! You may be wondering; “What is THAT?”. Making disciples means that we exist to welcome EVERYONE to come ALIVE in God through faith in Jesus Christ.

One of the main points of activation for people is “Baptism”. Through the unique experience of baptism men & women, boys & girls express their faith in Jesus Christ, join the family of God and testify to their lifelong commitment to God and His mission. In other words “IT IS AN AWESOME LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCE”!

We are purchasing a portable baptism pool.

We used a new portable baptism pool last Sunday, May 31, 2015 for our first baptism party on site at the Cineplex Theatre on the Eastside.  It worked GREAT! Having the pool makes it very easy for us on location there AND it will also allow us to setup just about anywhere to host more baptism parties!

The total cost of the Portable Baptism Pool is $4500. We have $450 raised currently.

Would you like to help invite hundreds of people

to come alive through faith in Jesus Christ

in the Saint John region?

There are two easy methods that you can use to make a donation and receive a charitable donation receipt:

1. You can give a financial gift “online”. Go to, Click the “donate” paypal button, then when reviewing the donation details, click “Add special instructions to the seller” and add a comment “For the KV East baptism pool”.

2. You can give a financial gift by dropping your donation off at the Kings Valley Church office, 332 Hampton Road in Qusipamsis, 9:00 am – 4:30 pm Monday-Friday.

Your comments mean so much and I love to hear from you. You can leave a reply in the comment section below or email

Love partnering with you for God’s kingdom mission here!

Help us bring people to LIFE!


We are investing in helping people COME ALIVE!!

I am having the time of my life serving as lead pastor of KV East. As part of the growing church community called Kings Valley Church we are located in Eastside Saint John.

We are all about “making disciples”! You may be wondering; “What is THAT?”. Making disciples means that we exist to welcome EVERYONE to come ALIVE in God through faith in Jesus Christ.

One of the main points of activation for people is “Baptism”. Through the unique experience of baptism men & women, boys & girls express their faith in Jesus Christ, join the family of God and testify to their lifelong commitment to God and His mission. In other words “IT IS AN AWESOME LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCE”!

We are purchasing a portable baptism pool.

I am so stoked about this as it will enable us to baptize people on site at the Cineplex Theatre on the Eastside of Saint John. Our first baptism party on site will be Sunday, May 31, 2015. AND it will also allow us to setup just about anywhere to host baptism parties!

The total cost of the Portable Baptism Pool is $4500. We have $450 raised currently.

Would you like to help invite hundreds of people

to come alive through faith in Jesus Christ

in the Saint John region?

There are three easy methods that you can use to make a donation and receive a charitable donation receipt:

1. You can give a financial gift in the special offering being received at our KV East worship gathering, Cineplex Theatre, 10:30 am, Sunday May 24th.

2. You can give a financial gift “online”. Go to, Click the “donate” paypal button, then when reviewing the donation details, click “Add special instructions to the seller” and add a comment “For the KV East baptism pool”.

3. You can give a financial gift by dropping your donation off at the Kings Valley Church office, 332 Hampton Road in Qusipamsis, 9:00 am – 4:30 pm Monday-Friday.

Your comments mean so much and I love to hear from you. You can leave a reply in the comment section below or email

Love partnering with you for God’s kingdom mission here!

Top 5 Reasons Why I Would Love Your Help @ KV East Saint John

I am LOVING this season of my life serving on the lead staff of Kings Valley Church! We are; “One Church meeting in Two locations”. I have the privilege of serving as Lead Pastor of our East Saint John campus, KV East SJ.

It is definitely a dream come true to work with our awesome KV East staff and volunteer lead team. Though God has provided many amazing ministry adventures in the past, THIS by far feels like the BEST opportunity of my life.

This morning I woke up wanting to let you know that I would LOVE your help!

Specifically, if you attend Kings Valley Church or have a fire in your heart to see God’s glory and followers of Jesus raised up in the Saint John region I have written this for YOU.

I believe with all of my heart & soul that God is breathing new life into our city. Kings Valley Church gets to be part of planting, growing, building in Jesus Name here! In my heart I can see so many results and so much fruit over the next 5-10 years if we will trust the Spirit and give our lives to God’s vision for this beautiful place.

But, it won’t happen without His hands & feet… that’s You and me. I seriously don’t want you to miss out on what could be the greatest adventure of your life!

So, here are my “Top Five” reasons why I need and would love your help:

1. People need their confidence restored in authentic church community. We all know so many “Saint  Johners” who have a church background but church life has no real place in their everyday lives. You can help us show them what that looks like and welcome them to join us. We need you!

2. I need people like you to lead the way in helping the people of KV Church accomplish God’s mission for us in Saint John. KV East Saint John is a top priority project for Kings Valley. If you and others aren’t intentional, we could forget that our mission will be carried forward only as people roll up their sleeves and make it their own! You are needed to lead others by your example! We need you!

3. SO MANY people need to be reached. Only 10% of the population of Saint John regularly attend a local church! The thousands needing to experience Jesus’ presence in the midst of a church community cannot be reached by just a small team of us! We need you!

4. It will take significant investment to build KV East. Over the next decade and beyond I am by the grace of God going to invest my life & resources in what God is planning to do through KV East, I am asking you to do the same. It’s going to cost us but the benefits & blessings in Jesus Name and for His fame are beyond worth! We need you!

5. Probably my favorite reason is this: Jesus is building KV East with people like you! Many years ago I said “YES” to a call from God to pray & partner with Him to see workers sent into the harvest. What that means to you is that I love love love to help people get activated in their gifts and calling to help others experience the Father’s blessing through faith in Jesus Christ. We need you! 

So, there you have it! I would LOVE to talk with you and help you get involved. Reply here, call or text me at 506-650-2600, pm me on facebook or email Come on out and join us at Cineplex 10:30 am on Sunday and/or Glen Falls School on Rothesay Avenue each Wednesday 6:30 pm. KV Kidz program is offered at both times & locations.

42 Weekend Baptisms! Two KV Church Video Stories

We are SO STOKED for the 42 people from the Kings Valley Church community who publicly confirmed their faith, devotion and surrender to Jesus Christ in baptism last weekend!

Here are two of their stories…

Does Jesus know you?

Anyone who takes the time to read Matthew, Mark, Luke or John will see Jesus calling people out to authenticity. Realness, legitimacy, being genuine… these are often way undervalued in our lives.

Jesus was and is controversial! He is revolutionary and life altering. Dealing with him will change you at the deepest levels. The good news is that the transformation is actually a metamorphosis. The real you will emerge.

What happens when you encounter Jesus? You may not want to be aware of it, but the Holy Spirit is constantly drawing you to meet up with Jesus in a million different ways in your everyday life. He is where you least expect him to be.

When I encounter Jesus I can’t pretend. All of my “Imposter” ways are exposed and I am struck by the fact that He only wants the real me. In fact Jesus sees all of my pretending as evil and dangerous. He invites me to grow up into full maturity as the man I was created to be by putting my trust in Him.

There is a key teaching from Jesus recorded in Matt 7:

21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

When I encounter Jesus today I want Him to be able to say, “I know you”. He does in fact complete know me. But I have learned that he isn’t going to allow me to fake it. The “Imposter” me won’t survive in the glory of who Jesus is. He is going to draw authenticity to the surface of my life every time! And I know that He will use whatever means needed to shape my identity through His knowledge of me.

May you be blessed today by Jesus full awareness and knowledge of you and may you have the courage by His grace to surrender to it!

Awesome Kings Valley Weekend Plans!


This weekend is going to be exciting in the life of Kings Valley!

Awesome creative worship gatherings will be happening at both campuses.

Sunday morning (Cineplex SJ, 10:30) we will be throwing a party for our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY as a church community! God has done amazing things in and through KV East this year! Pastor Josiah will be back and leading worship. He and his wife, Jamie were married just two weeks ago and we are stoked to have them back home with us. I am super excited to be preaching “live”. Jeremy Lamos will be painting. AND we are having a One Year Anniversary CAKE! Come on out & bring some friends! Don’t forget we will be drawing for a prize from all of those who have filled out a connection card.


On Saturday, 6:00 PM at KV’s Valley Campus (332 Hampton Road, Quispamsis) KV Worship & Pastor Greg Hanson will be hosting a creative night of worship for Thanksgiving including live worship band, creative media, awesome teaching & sharing in communion together. It would awesome to make a weekend of it and be part of Saturday night in the Valley and Sunday morning at the East Campus (Cineplex SJ)


God is good all the time! I feel like He has beenu his love & awesomeness on us and we are overflowing with it. So glad you are part of KV East! Can’t wait to see you and your friends this weekend.

Dan Lamos

KV East Campus Pastor/650-2600/twitter: @papabearlamos