I am LOVING this season of my life serving on the lead staff of Kings Valley Church! We are; “One Church meeting in Two locations”. I have the privilege of serving as Lead Pastor of our East Saint John campus, KV East SJ.
It is definitely a dream come true to work with our awesome KV East staff and volunteer lead team. Though God has provided many amazing ministry adventures in the past, THIS by far feels like the BEST opportunity of my life.
This morning I woke up wanting to let you know that I would LOVE your help!
Specifically, if you attend Kings Valley Church or have a fire in your heart to see God’s glory and followers of Jesus raised up in the Saint John region I have written this for YOU.
I believe with all of my heart & soul that God is breathing new life into our city. Kings Valley Church gets to be part of planting, growing, building in Jesus Name here! In my heart I can see so many results and so much fruit over the next 5-10 years if we will trust the Spirit and give our lives to God’s vision for this beautiful place.
But, it won’t happen without His hands & feet… that’s You and me. I seriously don’t want you to miss out on what could be the greatest adventure of your life!
So, here are my “Top Five” reasons why I need and would love your help:
1. People need their confidence restored in authentic church community. We all know so many “Saint Johners” who have a church background but church life has no real place in their everyday lives. You can help us show them what that looks like and welcome them to join us. We need you!
2. I need people like you to lead the way in helping the people of KV Church accomplish God’s mission for us in Saint John. KV East Saint John is a top priority project for Kings Valley. If you and others aren’t intentional, we could forget that our mission will be carried forward only as people roll up their sleeves and make it their own! You are needed to lead others by your example! We need you!
3. SO MANY people need to be reached. Only 10% of the population of Saint John regularly attend a local church! The thousands needing to experience Jesus’ presence in the midst of a church community cannot be reached by just a small team of us! We need you!
4. It will take significant investment to build KV East. Over the next decade and beyond I am by the grace of God going to invest my life & resources in what God is planning to do through KV East, I am asking you to do the same. It’s going to cost us but the benefits & blessings in Jesus Name and for His fame are beyond worth! We need you!
5. Probably my favorite reason is this: Jesus is building KV East with people like you! Many years ago I said “YES” to a call from God to pray & partner with Him to see workers sent into the harvest. What that means to you is that I love love love to help people get activated in their gifts and calling to help others experience the Father’s blessing through faith in Jesus Christ. We need you!
So, there you have it! I would LOVE to talk with you and help you get involved. Reply here, call or text me at 506-650-2600, pm me on facebook or email danclamos@gmail.com. Come on out and join us at Cineplex 10:30 am on Sunday and/or Glen Falls School on Rothesay Avenue each Wednesday 6:30 pm. KV Kidz program is offered at both times & locations.