Prayers That Marked My Journey July 30 – Dec 9, 2020

We ask that you will cause the tide of transformation to rise as people everywhere receive forgiveness of sins in your name.

King Jesus, Be our strength every morning, our salvation in times of distress. You are the foundation that keeps us stable in the midst of change.

Teach us to pray and give praise in the middle of our darkest moments. Release grace to all of our friends who are in a dark place. Free them from shame and remind them that you have set them free already. In Christ, their chains are broken and their prison doors are opened.

Open our eyes and our understanding to beauty on earth today. Our world misses so much of your glory. It is all around us but we don’t see it. Change us by helping us see you and your new creation here and now. We lift our voices today on earth and we join with heaven saying “Alleluia! The Lord our God, the Almighty, has become king!

We freely confess that on our own we don’t have what it takes to keep it all together. But, you don’t expect us to make this journey alone anyway. So, we aren’t ashamed to say that we need help, support, strength, perseverance… we need YOU. Thank you for telling us the truth. You are the one who announced that the kingdom of heaven has come. And, you are the one who dwells in us… the hope of glory. Fill our conversations with hope today because we know you are with us. 

King Jesus, you are the One sent from God. You are the fullness of God… Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in the flesh. Fill us with awe and wonder today that the sign that you had arrived was a naked, new-born baby wrapped in cloths, and lying in a cattle feeding trough. Please show us similar, humble signs that you are present in our troubles today. Help us see your glory, God. 

You are the One in whom the fullness of God dwells… Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Through you everything and everyone is being aligned with God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Thank you for loving and accepting us, even though we are a work in progress. Restore peace today in us and through us wherever we go.

Prayers That Marked My Journey July 14 – July 27, 2020

Jesus, we have peace because we are One with you and you have defeated everything that intimidates us. Wake us up to reality… the life of God’s coming age is wrapped up in knowing you.

Your kingdom is completely different than worldly powers. As your kingdom comes on earth as it is in heaven, powers of darkness are revealed as chaotic, self-serving, and murderous. Cause your perfect love to drive out all of our fears today.

King Jesus, we speak your word over our lives today. We love being your witnesses. Come upon us Holy Spirit. Teach us to live submerged in You.

Most of your great followers will remain nameless to us. We pray that your church would overflow with the joy of heaven on earth. And that we, your daughters and sons would throw away the idol of earthly fame and live for the glory of Your name more than ever before.

God, in the middle of chaos and upheaval, I can trust You to build your church person to person, home to home, day by day.

You do not live in houses made by human hands. All of Creation is your dwelling place. That includes us. Release something new in us that calls all nations to follow you.

Prayers That Marked My Journey July 3 2020 – July 13 2020

King Jesus, you are real provision from God. You are the food that completely satisfies us. Increase our belief in you today.

King Jesus, you came into the world for judgment, to correct our ‘seeing’. Here in the year of 2020, bring our vision into alignment with heaven.

You are the One Shepherd who chose to lay down your life and then receive it back again. You are not a victim, You are the King of all. May your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

King Jesus, you are the resurrection and the life. Give us courage to open our eyes to your faith deposited in us. Help us face this ordinary day in your power and authority.

Thank you that the helper, the spirit of truth is with us. Thank you that you see us. You have seen us, you see us now, and you will see us tomorrow. Our hearts celebrate, and NOBODY will take our joy away from us.

Jesus, we have peace because we are One with you and you have defeated everything that intimidates us. Wake us up to reality… the life of God’s coming age is wrapped up in knowing you.

Your kingdom is completely different than worldly powers. As your kingdom comes on earth as it is in heaven, powers of darkness are revealed as chaotic, self-serving, and murderous. Cause your perfect love to drive out all of our fears today.

Prayers That Marked My Journey June 24 – July 2, 2020

King Jesus, awaken us and empower us to stay awake. Pour strength into us to endure with joy all the way through these very hard times.

King Jesus, You are the provision we need. As we receive you today, come and live in all we do.

We are overwhelmed that you laid down your life for us and all creation. Open our eyes so that we can be transformed by the fact that you rose again.

We freely confess that on our own we don’t have what it takes to keep it all together. But, you don’t expect us to make this journey alone anyway. So, we aren’t ashamed to say that we need help, support, strength, perseverance… we need YOU. Thank you for telling us the truth. You are the one who announced that the kingdom of heaven has come. And, you are the one who dwells in us… the hope of glory. Fill our conversations with hope today because we know you are with us. 

We exalt you as the One who laid down your life, your body and then raised it up again. Awaken us, renew in us what it means that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit.

Awaken the youth of our region so that they come alive in your Spirit.

King Jesus, teach us to pray with boldness and courage. Awaken us to your presence as the only path to wellness. 

Prayers that marked my journey, June 16-23 2020

Every Friday I am going to share SEVEN prayers that have marked my path toward a prayer-soaked life. It’s a blessing to share these. ENJOY!

God, we agree with the prayer of King Jesus. Make us One as you are One.

In this time of transformation, empower us to be humble and to release heaven’s joy on earth.

Restore our hearts so that we will welcome others and bless them the way you do.

King Jesus, help us pray the way you did at your friend’s tomb as you called him back to life.

Open our eyes and our understanding to beauty on earth today. Our world misses so much of your glory. It is all around us but we don’t see it. Change us by helping us see you and your new creation here and now. We lift our voices today on earth and we join with heaven saying “Alleluia! The Lord our God, the Almighty, has become king!

We need grace to trust you more. You are the spring of living water. We are resilient because you are in us.

King Jesus, your authority comes from heaven. Mere human authority cannot overtake you. We pray that heaven’s authority would be revealed more and more on earth today.

Through Christ Jesus Our Lord – AMEN

42 Weekend Baptisms! Two KV Church Video Stories

We are SO STOKED for the 42 people from the Kings Valley Church community who publicly confirmed their faith, devotion and surrender to Jesus Christ in baptism last weekend!

Here are two of their stories…

Birthday wish

There is a huge statement recorded in the Bible:

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms

with every spiritual blessing in Christ.” 

… every spiritual blessing?

Today is my birthday. I am sure considering the population of the world, there are thousands of us who share this date set aside as our DOB.

What do I wish for on my birthday? 

Well, I woke up very early this morning and couldn’t go back to sleep. I was thinking about my life and honestly worrying about some things. Then I began to connect with my heart, the things that matter most… and I thought about what I wish for. So, here on my birthday I thought I would post this as a prayer:

Father God,

Thank you for blessing me and all of creation in and through Jesus Christ. The indescribable gift of the kingdom You ushered in through him is everything we will ever need. Today is the day on the calendar when me and my friends and family will celebrate the fact that I was born and get to have a life. I am so grateful for them. Thank you for them and thank you for life. I don’t know if “wishing” is okay with you or not, but in this prayer I want to express my wish to you. I do wish that we would experience an era of time when all of creation would love you and the dwelling place and the family you have welcomed us back to and blessed us with more than we love ourselves. I wish that the prayer Jesus prayed for all of his followers would be our pilgrimage and chosen destiny:

 “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.”

It would be so amazing to live in a time where that prayer became the heart cry of enough of us on the planet that we reached the tipping point and your glory would be clearly seen and known in all the earth. When I pause to think deeply about all of this I know a day  like that is coming and it motivates me to pray and live for a world like that. So, as I give and receive love today with my friends and family, I just want you to know, God that I thank you for it all and for welcoming me back home in and through Jesus.


Living Stones Aren’t Factory Made!

One of the powerful images in the Bible that God uses to help us understand His plan for restoring everything is a picture of a house that He himself is building. He wants to use us as partners in this project. Click here to here what is on my heart about us as living stones… Living Stones Aren’t Factory Made