We understand what love is because Jesus laid down his life for us (1 John 3:16) Experiencing eternal life comes only by knowing God. The overwhelming gospel is that God has invited us into the closest of all intimate relationships with him through faith in Jesus.
Being prophetic or growing in the prophetic is all about going deeper with Jesus and allowing him to go deeper with you. There is a beautiful moment where we see Jesus and the disciples during what is known as the Last Supper. It is the moment when Jesus reminds them of the nearness of the Spirit.
In John 14:16-17, Jesus teaches that the Holy Spirit will be with us and in us. Receiving and declaring the living word of the Lord is where I come alive. The Lord has taught me over many decades that I will find him only when I seek him with my whole heart.
At the central part of me is my core engine of desire. Something bigger than life is activated when by the grace of God, that engine of desire is surrendered to intimacy with the Holy Spirit.
I do love receiving and sharing messages from God. I do love the prophetic. But, my true passion as God’s child is being close enough with Jesus that we are able to hear each other’s voice.
Hearing our Shepherd’s voice and following Him is more precious to us than what he says and where he is going. The point of being prophetic is experiencing the One who will never leave us and will
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