Consuming Love for Jesus and His Legacy…

God’s dream poured into all creation through the prayers of Jesus is a unified love and the legacy of his family on earth as it is in heaven. (John 17, Matthew 6:9-13)

I will be forever grateful for having been born into a home and a church family who led me into God’s love. The legacy of God’s family is self-sacrificing love for him, each other and his creation.
Several decades ago I fell down on my face and prayed a prayer of brokenness that shifted the trajectory of my life… “Jesus, whether this makes you glad or not, you are stuck with me.”

The life-story we have written together is all about his relentless love consuming me. He keeps pouring it out even though so many times I am disappointed with myself. And, it’s not just for me. Somehow, he causes that same love to flow out of me to our wild world. When he planted me as his child, his intention and dream for me was a full grown, productive tree that has sent out deep roots and is not afraid of the heat and the storms. (Jeremiah 17:7-8)

The living word of the Lord for you and everyone in your life is that you are designed to be in Christ. By faith receive the fact that the Father loves you the way he loves the Son because you are in Christ. Your life has meaning and purpose because you became a part of God’s legacy on earth as in heaven by that same faith. You don’t live for yourself anymore. The consuming fire that started in your heart when you surrendered to Jesus is increasing with love for all nations and generations to embrace the same oneness you have with him.

God’s family, his household exists as a fulfillment of his dream and the answer to the prayers of Jesus to the Father. Take a few minutes today to ask the Lord to increase your capacity to receive and give more of his consuming love for all nations and generations.

You are a blessing!

Some thoughts about you and our God who dreams…

Sitting by myself in Starbucks, drinking coffee. So, I wanted to just grab my laptop and start writing. I have no idea what you may want to do with this post. But, I guess I wanted to write something to encourage you and remind you that there is a design and you matter!

There is a dream in the heart of God that will come to into full view. He is fully committed to fulfilling it. It’s a dream that no human being or society has ever imagined. We have tried. But, we always end up back on our knees, willingly or as a result of the failure of our attempts to have the kingdom of heaven without the King.

There is a God who dreams, fully knowing that he can call all of it into being. We exist as a fulfillment of his beautiful mind. Every one of us designed by God before we were even in our mother’s womb.

We are born into an amazing, chaotic, intelligent, reproducing, terrifying, wonderful, living, wild world. Though we are unaware of the presence of God, his glory fills every part of our world and every world that exists or will ever exist.

The life of our God who dreams incomparable destinies is eternal and unseen and yet it produces the seen realm as well. He invites us into a lifelong journey of discovery. It is a quest of joining him in a covenant relationship with Jesus. We can trust him because he became a human being and dwelled here with us and experienced all of the same weaknesses that we do and yet was without sin. Then, he surrendered to death on the cross, took on himself the punishment for sin, died, rose again from the grave, and now reigns forever.

It was all part of the fulfillment of the dream of his heart. By saying yes to his invitation to eternal life as his closest companion, his bride forever, we enter into his dream. We discover that we are his masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus to do good works that God planned in advance for us to do.

Not one of us is a mistake, an afterthought, meaningless, or random. In Christ, we are actually a message, a testimony to the transformation God can accomplish with anyone who will trust him. Our battle, our journey is to keep taking the next step forward by faith.

So, wherever you are and whatever the state of your mind or heart, let me be a voice saying you are the dream of God as you trust in Jesus. As you take a step forward by faith you are becoming the real you. We are one in spirit and our kingdom is His and it is coming in fullness. Your next step is worth it.

You are a blessing!

My story #7 “Awesomeness”

I know that God the Creator has been having a private conversation with me my whole life. I didn’t always know it. But, I understand now that I have never been alone.

I have been misunderstood many times. I have felt disappointed, bruised, broken, guilty, sad, angry, rejected, etc…

In my life I have also been celebrated, loved, hugged, kissed, thrilled out of my mind, accepted, promoted, honoured and respected as well.

But, I have never been alone.

If I take the most honest look at myself, I have to admit that I have even been more ready to condemn and reject myself than my Father God has been willing to walk away from me. It has been His patience and kindness toward me that has given me the strength to always try again.

Many of us are waking up to God’s appointment of us through a burning love

for  Jesus and His way of living (His kingdom).

He has designed us and given us life so that we will be walking signs of His awesomeness. 

But, the way of entering that awesomeness is not what I expected. Much of the journey that I have taken would probably have been labeled a “waste” by many people. The question the “friends” of Jesus asked on that day when the woman broke open her treasure and poured it out on Jesus was “Why this waste…?”

I used to care about that question. But, I don’t anymore. In order for a plant to grow, the seed must die

In order for me to live in the awesomeness of my 

destiny, I must smash my treasure (dreams, hopes, agenda, ambitions, etc…)

and pour it out in love on Jesus.

That is “why this waste…” 🙂  

Do you honestly think that your Creator and lover will abandon you? You are his artistry.